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Document Path: /doc/helpdir/abbreviation

Information: abbreviations - shortcuts for standard commands

	First of all, all standard directions like 'north', 'west',
	'south', 'east' plus 'up' and 'down' can be abbreviated with the
	first letter: 'n', 'w', etc. The diagonal directions 'northwest',
	'southwest', 'southeast' and 'northeast' work with 'nw', 'sw',
	'se' and 'ne'.

	And most standard commands can be abbreviated with any number of
	letters. For the command 'look' you can use also 'l', 'lo', etc.

	If two or more commands begin with the same letter(s), the one
	which has been defined first, will respond. Use a unique
	abbreviation then, or take the time to find out which one has
	priority. For example 't' might mean 'talk' as well as 'tell',
	but 'tell' has been given priority, so you can safely use 't'
	instead of 'tell'.

	These commands for adventurers can be abbreviated (principally
	in ABC order, except for given priorities - see above):
		alias      away       converse   examine    health
		history    inventory  kill       look       search
		score      show       tell       talk       who

	And here for wizards only (in ABC order):
		clone      destruct   goto       more       people
		reload     stat       update     yell

	Some more special abbreviations are provided:
		x for 'examine'/'look at'
		' for 'say'
		: for 'emote' (for adventurers in some special places
			only, e.g. in pubs)

	If you need further abbreviations, use 'alias' - see 'help alias'.
	The behaviour explained above ('tell' vs. 'talk') can be changed
	with aliases, too (see also 'help alias').

See also:

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