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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/w/pformat

Command: set pformat
Optional argument: <format>

    'set pformat' sets your default output format of the 'people' command.
    <format> can be one of the following:

	%n        Name          13
	%h<-><x>  Hostname      x
	%H        IP Number     15
	%l        Level         2
	%d        Domain/Guild  3
	%A        Away          1
	%I        Idle          1
	%E        Editor        1
	%B        Busy          1
	%r<x>     Environment   x        'room'
	%R<x>     Short of Env  x
	%g        Gender(short) 1
	%G        Gender        6
	%a        Age           4
	%c<x>     Country       x
	%i        Idle time     8
	%m<x>     Mailaddress   x
	%f<y><x>  Function call x

    <x> has to be any number and determines the width of the field.
    <-> is optional and forces the field to rightadjust.
    If you use | instead of - the field will be centered.
    Any other characters are printed out without modification.
    The default value of the people format is: "%h-18 %A%I%B%E %n %l %d %r"
    (Should this turn out to be incorrect you can check up with /include/game.h)
    If the first two characters of the format are %N no headline is printed.

    If no argument is given, your current setting is shown.

	The 'Net' command has the following format: %n %h44 %H
	Function call would look like this: %n %fquery_alt_name10

	The access to players' and wizards' mail addresses is restricted
	to wizards with higher levels (Archwizards).

See also:

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